Wednesday 29 April 2009



“A nearly flawless piece of popular Art” – A.O. Scott, NY Times

Amazing! There couldn’t be another word to describe Ratatouille, the newest Pixar Animation Studios’ movie. With the finest work of art, which is a trademark of the company, Ratatouille alongside its past others big screen fellows, approaches the animations making off to the realm of Arts. Matchless quality in its every aspect, from the screenplay to the score; not even the most insignificant detail has been forgotten to compose this jealous-maker masterpiece of filmmaking.

The story follows the journey of the sympathetic rat Remy in his dream to become a great chef in nowhere less than Paris, The world Capital of the good food. Anyway his story starts in a well-known rat lifestyle – feeding from the rubbish and snitching some better samples to survive. Differently from his fellows and his own family, Remy can’t be simply  satisfied with that being a lover of good meals and with a special talent – even more for a rat – to cook.

Torn between his family’s wishes and his true calling, fate leads Remy to the sewer of Paris and the propitious place to start out his personal journey, right below his cooking hero’s famous restaurant, Auguste Gusteau. Obviously undesirable, and utmost improper to a restaurant, our hairy friend starts up a secret partnership with the non-skilled newest cook from Gusteau’s, Linguini. The rest is history: these two pals set in motion a hilarious chain of events that turns the City of Light upside down.

 Through love, friendship, failures, success, Remy felt divided between his duties to his family and his real vocation, but Remy’s personal discoveries led him to the real meaning of these concepts.

Even with these delicious ingredients, Pixar, again has created a wonderful story, wonderful animation and above all, wonderful lessons. The secret: a fine taste for good quality movies, commitment and respect to its audience. A hardly found intelligent comedy movie for everyone to watch!

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